Saturday, December 26, 2009

Papillary Thyroid Cancer 101!

Lots of people have been asking me lots of questions about the type of thyroid cancer I have and what treatments are available, and what the prognosis is and whatnot...which is legit, because its ridiculously confusing and I had no idea what the thyroid even did until mine started trying to kill me...

However, to be completely honest, its kind of a downer having to relay the same craptastic news a bajillion times...

So, for your education pleasure, I present to you Papillary Thyroid Cancer 101:

If you have questions, please, ask me! This is just a general outline to abate some of the common questions I get repeatedly.

I have a consultation with a surgeon on January 4th, once that happens I should know a little more in the way of surgery dates for my thyroidectomy and whatnot, I promise I'll keep you all posted.

I hope everyone had an enjoyable holiday, I know I did, despite all the nasty news. :)

Thanks to everyone again for the prayers, warm thoughts, well-wishes, and love and support!

Take Care! :)


Anonymous said...

I just had a total thyroidectomy on the 22nd for my papillary thyroid cancer (nodule about 1cm). I wasn't able to find any great info on what the surgery was going to be like, so I'll leave some for you here.

My operation took about four hours and the incision is about 5cm. They removed the thyroid and several lymphnodes for pathology. One of my parathyroid glands was removed, examined and then transplanted in a somewhat different place. The other three were left intact. I don't remember anything between the time I started getting Versed from the anesthesiologist and some time after I woke up in the recovery room.

I had to stay at the hospital for two nights because my calcium levels were dropping (parathyroid glands were probably in shock), but was able to go home around noon on the 24th. I had a drain in the incision for the entire time I was at the hospital but they took it out before I went home.

There was some pain, mostly when swallowing, probably due to the intubation (general anesthesia). I took took two pills of vicodin the first day but have otherwise been unmedicated. The pain is almost entirely gone, although I can still feel the suctures and a little bit of soreness. I'm getting those out on Monday the 28th.

It appears to be healing quite well so far, and it's completely hidden by regular (crew neck) t-shirts (I'm a jeans and t-shirt guy). Probably due to the full two days with a drain, the incision hasn't oozed or bled at all. I wore a white tshirt home the first day and didn't see any evidence that it was on top of the incision.

I haven't started taking synthroid yet, I'm currently only taking calcium and calcitonin (vitamin D) to make sure that calcium issue is sorted out. Getting a blood test for that on Monday as well. I've been taking more naps than normal after the surgery but my energy level is going back up (probably with the calcium). I feel like I could go back to the normal routine on Monday or Tuesday.

They didn't put me on any sort of restricted diet, but of course that's coming later if I have to do the radioiodine ablation. I'll find out whether I do that or not after pathology comes back in about two weeks (slow due to the holidays).

If you have any questions you can email me: bob at redivi dot com

(posting "anonymously" because this is a relatively private matter for me)

Thyroid cancer said...

Cancer name itself is dangerous. Thyroid cancer is very rare. It starts from thyroid gland and is kind of neck cancer. According to a new study, it has been found that those who stay in volcanic regions, are at higher risk of thyroid cancer. Papillary thyroid cancer is a type of thyroid cancer which mostly found in women. If anyone observes symptoms of it, should consult doctor immediately.

Anonymous said...

Good Day im fresh to this, I stumbled upon this message board I find It absolutely helpful & it's helped me a great deal. I should be able to contribute & assist other people like its helped me.

Thank You, Catch You About.

Anonymous said...

Hiya i'm new to this, I hit upon this message board I have found It absolutely accessible and it has helped me out alot. I hope to contribute and help other users like it has helped me.

Thank's, See You Later.

Anonymous said...

Heya i am fresh to this. I came accross this website I have found It amply useful & it's helped me loads. I should be able to give something back and support other users like it has helped me.

Thanks Everyone, See You Around.

Anonymous said...

Hey i'm new here. I hit upon this forum I find It truly helpful and it's helped me a lot. I hope to contribute & guide others like its helped me.

Thank You, See You Later