Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Perhaps its premature...but I grow elated at this thought again...

I grow excited for the winter

for us

finally free

finally happy

finally able to love

without constraints of distance

free to tanglewrap ourselves in each other

whenever we see fit

making more memories of

soft hands on breasts,

delicate back arches,

and thicktousled hair

sticking to shimmerglistening skin

finally, I can cover you in rain

deep thunder reverberating through us both

as lightning dances off our emeraldautumn irises

finally I can bury you deep beneath my sheets

and hotheavy whisper

into your perfect ear

just how well you fit

Finally I can love you

like I've always longed to love you

and it will be so beautiful...


So...perhaps its the general free-spirited restlessness inside of me, perhaps its something else...but I'm craving change again. I cannot stand it here, Superior is a depressing, dreary, downer of a town. Winters here are hell to get through, the university is drek, I need a life revolution...

So, I just may relocate to the Twin Cities. Better schooling, closer to Ryan, closer to home, and the program I'm looking at means I can work full time, attend classes in the evenings, study on nights that I don't have classes, see Ryan more often, and be able to get home to see the family more frequently. Not to mention the Psychology program has a Master's and Doctorate program on site, professors that are all currently in the field they are teaching, and insanely amazing networking opportunities.

Now, the tricky parts. Getting accepted, relocated, finding a place to live, a decent-paying job...but I'm up for challenges like these again...its amazing what I can accomplish when I'm not deathly ill!

I think this new beginning will be most beautiful and amazing...and I think I need it.

Wish me luck :)

Just a note...

This man may be just as ridiculous as I am...and I unabashedly love him for it.