So, I went on a magical adventure out to the burbiest of the burbs today, to be interviewed by a woman that I'm pretty sure was that same age as my little sister. The bus dropped me off at the last stop on Main Street and I then got to go a-wanderin', hoping beyond all hope as I went on that I was at least going in the right direction. I finally saw another person crazy enough to be walking around outside in the frigid wind. We met and pulled down our scarves only to speak long enough for the asking and receiving of directions, and I figured out I was walking in the right direction, but had another seven or so blocks to go. I arrived at my interview breathless, windswept, and looking like I had returned from some sort of Antarctic expedition. (Now, it may be unprofessional to show up to an interview in calf-high Sorel boots lined with fur and a Columbia parka, complete with Eskimo-esque hood trimmed in fur...but I do not care, I was warm, and THAT was what mattered...)
My interview was uneventful. The bus back was late, and was filled with what can only be termed a "mentally handicapped comedy troupe". God bless them, they were having a fantastic time, but they kept cracking jokes to me and other passengers that made absolutely no sense, and then laughing wildly. My personal favorite:
Man: What's your name?
Me: Christy
Man: Well if your name was Joe, I'd say let's go in there *as he points to Trader Joe's* and I'll get you some bananas! *raucous laughter*
Me: *confused look*
So, after my magical trip back on the 12, I decided to stop in at Steeple People, which is a nifty little thrift shop across the street, which I've been meaning to get to ever since we moved in (August...). What a wonderful place! I was in search of teacups for a Christmas project I'm planning, and I didn't see any that weren't in sets of china, so I asked a nice elderly lady. She introduced me to the "free box" and said I could have all the mismatched teacups I wanted...JACKPOT! I also picked up some lovely Victorian-esque ornaments for the Christmas tree and a fantastic kitschy coffee mug for myself that reads "Swedeheart" excellent!
We were thinking of making steak fajitas for dinner earlier, and I found a delectable recipe for Sweet Corn Tomalito to go with them, but its BRRRCOLD outside and I didn't want to venture out in search of masa, so we've postponed it for Saturday. Tonight, Zack has agreed to make his lemon pepper chicken with feta and couscous...mmm... :)
I'm going to curl up with some cocoa in my new mug! Stay warm!

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