Tuesday, November 27, 2007


So...perhaps its the general free-spirited restlessness inside of me, perhaps its something else...but I'm craving change again. I cannot stand it here, Superior is a depressing, dreary, downer of a town. Winters here are hell to get through, the university is drek, I need a life revolution...

So, I just may relocate to the Twin Cities. Better schooling, closer to Ryan, closer to home, and the program I'm looking at means I can work full time, attend classes in the evenings, study on nights that I don't have classes, see Ryan more often, and be able to get home to see the family more frequently. Not to mention the Psychology program has a Master's and Doctorate program on site, professors that are all currently in the field they are teaching, and insanely amazing networking opportunities.

Now, the tricky parts. Getting accepted, relocated, finding a place to live, a decent-paying job...but I'm up for challenges like these again...its amazing what I can accomplish when I'm not deathly ill!

I think this new beginning will be most beautiful and amazing...and I think I need it.

Wish me luck :)

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